I'm Beth, a student in London (home to Jimi Hendrix, Charles Dickens and of course, yours truly.) I'm still fresh faced enough to be studying, and as most of my friends will say "I've taken the 'easy' route." I'm sure all you creative types will have had your fair share of 'easy route' comments, simply for choosing Fine Art, Drama, Music, Photography, or even the odd sneer at English now and then. Well, sneer not, because I'm a photography, creative writing and media student. Whilst many are pouring over a biology textbook, I'll be shooting a nature shot or attempting my next descriptive piece. And if you're reading this blog, you're likely to have a creative streak too, so welcome!
Now we've been introduced... time to get personal..
I've actually had a blog before, for pretty much the whole of 2013. However, unfortunately I got way too stressy, ended up having to take time off pretty much everything, and unfortunately my blog took quite a strong blow. But, I'm back now (May 2015) with things better than on track, and for once, I can safely say I'm back in control. (Cue huge round of applause). Anyway as always, I'm going off track, this point of this paragraph was to introduce my blog. I love love love love my camera (Sony A58) and so expect my blog to be scattered with lots of visuals. Also love a bit of creativeness, so just expect... well just don't expect me to stick to the same posts often!
And Finally
Don't hesitate to contact me, whether you want to talk about a recent blog post, give me advice, guidance or an opinion, or you're a business wanting to get involved, or simply wanting a chat:
Your blog and the design is amazing.