Housesitting Part 2: How to Achieve a Modern Living Room

If you've read my update post you will already know that I have had to travel around England a little bit, so unfortunately regular blogging has been compromised. This afternoon, I was sitting in my auntie's living room: black and white, sharp clean shapes, coordinated furniture... and it just clicked. Time for a housesitting interior design post: Part 2. 

This room features all the elements of a typical modern room design. Black and white/silver, reflective smooth surfaces, and edgy art accessories. I love staying here, and once you've seen these pics, chances are, you would want to too.

Original Banksy art piece "Drainpipe Tiger". Touches of colour within a urban style canvas piece

Curves are a prominent theme, with rounded leaves in the wallpaper. light shades, and smooth whale structure perched on a bookshelf

Funky accessories. Little Groot, a skeleton cushion, and silver matt frames - all adding to the modern theme of the room.

My favourite bit, the yankee candle <3 Along with a circular vase, colourful orchid, it makes for a nice corner piece

The beautiful pets. I didn't mean to include them in the post.. however they're quite adorable, aren't they?

British Shorthair Bailey. What a little gem??
 There we have it. Sharp corners, black and white, reflective surfaces with interesting quirky accessories. Anyone more in love with this style than me? I doubt it! Leave me your interior tips below :) 

xox Beth

*Disclaimer: I have written permission from the owner of the house to take and publicise these photos. No photographs are taken in personal areas such as bedrooms, and there are no links to the identity of the house owner (e.g. family photographs, names or places).



  1. Little Groot! I want that Little Groot. But seriously, that room is gorgeous. I dream of someday having such an eye-pleasingly designed apartment when I grow up.

    O | Life as a Young Lady

    1. Haha its adorable isn't it?
      Yeah it is really great, I love the colour theme :)

  2. Beth, your photography is stunning, and I love how you furnished your living room. You have a real eye for interior design! I've been 're-visualizing' my bedroom for a while now, and this is a great source of inspiration. I love that Banksy tiger! And your cats are so cute: I am totally a cat person.


    1. Aw thank you for the comment, but the first paragraph explains that this is actually my aunt's living room, so all the style choices were down to her! I'm glad its a bit of inspiration though, that Tiger is particularly eye catching isn't it?!
      Haha same, and these cats are proper chunky, like 110% cat!

      xox Beth

    2. Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry! I must have completely read over that part! I'm sorry... usually that never happens! Your aunt has a lovely living room, though, and your photography is splendid as always. :)

  3. I love the level of details in your photos!
    The cats are super adorable too :)
