Housesitting: How to Achieve a Minimalistic Living Room

If Apple could design a house, it would look like this. 

I had to housesit for a friend in central London, and I could not have taken up the opportunity quick enough. White walls, plain curved furniture and several accent pieces, it was screaming quirky and creative. Totally reminded me of the colourful iPhone 5C's. Minimal, classy, vibrant. I loved the splashes of colour dotted around the living room, and was extremely envious of just how 'cool' the apartment was. As always, I had my trusty camera with me (Sony A58 for those who are wondering) and just had to get a few snaps. 
Think of this as a scrapbook for those who crave design inspiration...

A beautiful sequinned shade. I loved the gold bits at the bottom - eastern theme brings a bit of diversity to the room. 

Large fresh water flower centre piece. A bit of life on a plain wood table gave a really vibrant atmosphere.

Huge Chinese lanterns were hung in front of an old book case. A really bold piece, works well against shelves of old books

One of the pieces of artwork. Anyone else noticing a red theme going on here..?

This is where I pretty much died. Geometric shapes are my absolute weakness. a small white corner with these minimalistic cards really gave a subtle hint of style to what would have been an empty corner.  

Intricate geometric lamp, a really striking light to have in a living room, was tempted to steal and run. Kidding, not kidding...
She uses geometric shapes and strong (red?) features against plain white backgrounds. By doing this, she manages to make a very un-cluttered living room, whilst still making a statement.

Are you as jealous as I am? Always wanted to bring a touch of class to a room, and it looks like minimal walls and stylish arty pieces are the way forward! Comment below with your favourite piece, or ever, post links or photos to things online that have caught your eye.
I'm still admiring that white lamp *design feels*

*Disclaimer: I have written permission from the owner of the house to take and publicise these photos. No photographs are taken in personal areas such as bedrooms, and there are no links to the identity of the house owner (e.g. family photographs, names or places).



  1. It's all so pretty! Great post! :-)

  2. Wow, I love that sequin shade. It's such a statement piece. I'd love to have it for my own place!

    1. Yes same! Something a bit different isn't it? :)
